
Do the Risks of Outsourcing Your I.T. Outweigh the Rewards?

Corporations can realize significant savings by contracting for offshore technology assistance, but you must ensure that the associated risks do not outweigh the savings. A Missouri complaint that was recently filed provides a cautionary tale. While this case is in its infancy and the facts from the complaint remain allegations, it highlights the risks involved

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Insured for Cyberfraud? Think Again.

Although companies may be operating under the perfectly reasonable expectation that their insurance policies cover them against cyberfraud schemes, they might be surprised to know (or maybe not) that their insurers are taking the exact opposite position when confronted with such claims. In courtrooms across the country, insurers are consistently denying coverage for claims made

Insured for Cyberfraud? Think Again. Read More »

Insurer Must Pay for $4.8M Fraudulent Wire Transfer Hack

Plaintiff, Medidata Solutions, filed a 2015 lawsuit against Federal Insurance Company for coverage of a $4.8M fraudulent wire transfer (Cause No. 1:15-cv-00907 S.D.N.Y). According to the facts of the case, Medidata notified its finance department of a potential acquisition that could require urgent assistance in the summer of 2014. With knowledge of this transaction, the

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John McAfee and Intel Settle Trademark Lawsuit Over “McAfee”

Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee agreed not to use his name in connection with cybersecurity products or services in order to settle a lawsuit against Intel Corporation, which purchased McAfee Associates in 2011 for $7.7 billion. McAfee and MGT Capital Investments, Inc., where McAfee serves as CEO, filed the suit last year seeking a declaration

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